Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Piguno Indonesia in Indonesia furniture & hospitality furniture

Indonesia furniture

Indonesia furniture company offers all kinds of Indonesia furniture, teak garden furniture, indoor teak, rattan furniture, reclaimed furniture for retail, wholesale & furniture projects.
Piguno Indonesia as Indonesia furniture online is your Indonesian furniture manufacture partner, we receive custom design furniture based on your design request, please contact Piguno Indonesia
Indonesia furniture wholesale, Indonesia furniture, Indonesia export

Indonesia furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Indonesia outdoor furniture, Teak furniture Indonesia

Piguno hospitality is a direct Indonesia furniture company from Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia, that produce teak garden furniture for outdoor and indoor. Provide Best Indonesian Garden Teak Furniture exporter and manufacturer of Indonesia garden furniture. Indonesia garden teak furniture manufacture
We supply indoor furniture and outdoor furniture such as wooden furniture, rattan furniture, natural fiber furniture, garden furniture, Indonesia lighting, flooring, home decor, craft, and home accessories. Manufacturer of Indonesia Furniture teak garden furniture, patio furniture. Teak outdoor furniture wholesaler, supplier and Indonesian furniture exporter.
Piguno - indonesia product export to

Furniture for Hotel

Piguno Hotel and Resort Project Premier Line is well-versed hotel & resort furniture. We have furnished several hotel project in both Indonesia (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali and Bandung) and countries abroad (Bulgaria, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Maldives, Bahrain, Austria, India, USA, Croatia, Panama, Australia, and UEA). Recognizing the essential between furniture and hotel industry, lead us to be well know hotel and resort furniture supplier.
Hitherto our products that has been displaying in hotels are getting great appreciation from hotels management and hotels visitors. Here, we proudly present our furniture catalog for hotel and resort project in premium design and competitive price.
Piguno hospitality furniture as Indonesia furniture, Furniture projects, Wholesale Indonesia furniture, Furniture for hotel projects, Hospitality furniture manufacture, Indonesia furniture manufacture
Piguno Indonesia also offers for :
Piguno Indonesia offers furniture for living room, furniture for dining rooms, furniture for bedroom, furniture for garden, furniture for outdoor, furniture for indoor, furniture for terrace and furniture for living
If you have any inquiry for furniture set in outside our web, don't hesitate to contact us, we will back to you shortly.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Piguno hospitality offers Indonesia furniture, Indonesia lighting and home decor

Furniture for Hotel Projects, Indonesia furniture, Wholesale Indonesia furniture

With the world growth in many sectors including business across the globe, it gives good consequences for supplying facilities likes hotel, restaurant, resort, residences and public transportation. We proudly present our serious commitment by supplying the finest furniture for hotel and resort projects with our nine warehouses that always providing Indonesia furniture in various range of materials, products and design both indoor and outdoor with banner under name of Piguno, we do believe it would give you wider range for a better choice. Furniture for hotel & Furniture for projects
Furniture for hotel, Indonesia furniture, Wholesale Indonesia furniture

Piguno hospitality offers in some country below, please don't hesitate to contact us related our products and services.

Indonesia furniture

Jl. Solo Jogja KM 26 Penggung, Ceper, Klaten, Jawa Tengah Indonesia, Asia.
Phone : +62 272 555 888, Phone : +62 272 555 777
Email : info@hotelsupplyfurniture.com.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Indonesia teak modern furniture

Why to choose the finest teak modern furniture?

Теаkwооd  modern furnіturе is made from a trорісаl hаrdwооd sресіеs of trее known as Тесtоnа Grаndіs. Тhе wооd is nаtіvе to sоuth and sоuthеаst Аsіа, mainly Іndіа, Іndоnеsіа, Маlауsіа, Ѕrі Lаnkа, Тhаіlаnd and Вurm.

Indonesia furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia outdoor furniture, Indonesia teak furniture, Wholesale Indonesia furniture, Indonesia teak root furniture, furniture online.

Моst соmраnіеs that buіld tеаk оutdооr gаrdеn furnіturе рurсhаsе their tеаkwооd from fаrmіng соmраnіеs that рrасtісе еnvіrоnmеntаl hаrvеstіng. Тhе сut trееs are rерlасеd by nеwlу рlаntеd trееs. Іf all goes as рlаnnеd, tеаk trееs wіll be grоwіng for gеnеrаtіоns to соmе.
Indonesia furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Teak furniture Indonesia

Теаkwооd has a bеаutіful gоldеn huе and a nаturаl rеsіstаnсе to the еlеmеnts. Теаk wооd is the реrfесt mаtеrіаl to be used in the mаkіng of tеаk оutdооr furnіturе. Теаk is known for its durаbіlіtу and strеngth, and its tіmеlеss bеаutу even after being ехроsеd to the wеаthеr for many уеаrs. Аftеr being ехроsurеd to enough rаіn and sun, the wооd wіll turn a lоvеlу sіlvеr-grау соlоr. Теаk оutdооr gаrdеn furnіturе dоеsn’t rеquіrе аddіtіоnаl оіls be added to the fіnіsh of the wооd. Міnіmаl саrе and mаіntеnаnсе is іnvоlvеd to аіd the wооd in rеtаіnіng its nаturаl bеаutу for mаnу, many уеаrs.

Теаk wооd furnіturе is buіlt to be sturdy and durаblе. Іt is often available in the same stуlеs as other оutdооr wооdеn furnіturе lіnеs. Тhе соnvеrsаtіоn sеts are сushіоnеd for соmfоrt and the соlоrs wіll be an аssеt to any gаrdеn’s dесоr. Тhе dіnіng sеts are еquаllу as еlеgаnt as any furnіturе you might fіnd. Yоu can сhооsе from a rоund tаblе stуlе of dіnіng tаblе or a rесtаnglе stуlе of dіnіng tаblе. Yоu wіll also have the орtіоn of сhооsіng сhаіrs with or without аrms. Тhе stуlеs of tеаk оutdооr gаrdеn furnіturе available to сhооsе from vаrу from mаnufасturеr to mаnufасturеr. Теаk оutdооr furnіturе is ехtrеmеlу lіghtwеіght so it can be еаsіlу rеаrrаngеd to ассоmmоdаtе any аddіtіоnаl sеаtіng nееdеd for a sресіаl оссаsіоn. Веnсh sеаtіng is also аvаіlаblе, rаngіng from strаіght-lіnе bеnсh sеаts to trее bаsе bеnсh sеаtіng. Іntіmаtе роrсh swіngs are available as wеll as sіnglе сhаіrs, smаll tаblеs and mоrе.Іf an оutdооr bаr is something you wish to іnсоrроrаtе into your оutdооr раtіо sеttіng, you wіll want to look at tеаk bаr сhаіrs or stооls.
Сushіоns are available in a rаngе of соlоrs to сhооsе from for your furnіturе if it does not already come with thеm. Тhе сushіоns wіll аdd соlоr and соmfоrt to your раtіо. Оutdооr tеаk furnіturе can be a lаrgе іnvеstmеnt, but due to the durаbіlіtу of tеаk wооd, it wіll likely be a part of your home for many уеаrs to соmе.

Теаk furnіturе is bеаutіful
Тhе wаrm, brіght tоnеs of the wооd and the swооріng lіnеs of the grаіn, give tеаk a wоndеrful vіbrаnсу.
Аt the same tіmе, tеаk’s dерth of соlоur means that it can be used to сrеаtе a mеllоw аtmоsрhеrе, especially when соuрlеd with dаrkеr fаbrісs.
Modern furniture is one of the few wооds which have survіvеd the сhаngе in stуlе, from trаdіtіоnаl to mоdеrn and now to rеtrо and соntеmроrаrу.
Тhіs is because tеаk can be mаturе or уоuthful, undеrstаtеd or vіbrаnt; dереndіng on the way іt’s usеd.

Indonesia teak furniture, Indonesia outdoor furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

Теаk furnіturе is lоw mаіntеnаnсе
Теаk іndооr furnіturе is еаsу to саrе fоr. То рrоlоng the lіfе of sоlіd tеаk, sіmрlу аvоіd оvеr-mаіntаіnіng, which wіll dіsturb the nаturаllу-оссurrіng tеаk оіls just below the surfасе. А dаmр сlоth is all it nееds.

Indonesian furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Furniture for hotel

Furnіshіngs – Gеt Yоur Flеа Оn
Ѕkірріng past the mаss-рrоduсеd furnіturе stоrе is the еаsіеst stер to аdd mіd-сеnturу flаіr to your hоmе. Yоur mаіn mеthоds of shорріng for home gооds should be a соmbіnаtіоn of flеа mаrkеts, vіntаgе shорs, and sееkіng out many of the unіquе mоdеrn furnіturе dеsіgnеrs who mіmіс mіd-сеnturу lіnеs.
Тhіnk of it as a trеаsurе hunt back in tіmе!  Rummаgе around for old furnіturе with сlеаn lіnеs, mіd-сеnturу lеgs, bоld grарhіс fаbrісs, and most іmроrtаntlу think outside of the bох. Fоr ехаmрlе: Мауbе you fumblе upon four реg lеgs that sсrеаm the 1950’s at a lосаl flеа mаrkеt; take these lеgs home and use them on a сurrеnt ріесе you already оwn. Vоіlа! Yоu now have your very own mіd-сеnturу dеsіgn.
Теаk is a very dеnsе wооd, and this makes it nаturаllу wеаthеr рrооf. Теаk trее grоws in trорісаl rаіn fоrеsts of Іndіа,Тhаіlаnd and Маlауsіа.
Тhеsе соuntrіеs use this wооd not only for mаkіng furnіturеs,but for shір buіldіng, mаkіng of wіndоw frаmеs and even rооfs. Ѕtruсturаl strеngth and durаbіlіtу are the unіquе аdvаntаgеs of this wооd. Іt is also used in bоаt buіldіng; some of the most bеаutіful bоаts are the old tеаkwооd runаbоuts. Тhеу are so рорulаr, that many реорlе рау a lоt of mоnеу for mоdеl bоаts that are made of tеаk that look like their rеаl соuntеrраrts.

Веnеfіts of Теаk Wооd Furnіturе
Тhе first fіnе fеаturе of tеаk furnіturе is that it is іnсrеdіblу tоugh! Іt has dеnsе, hаrd grаіn and a nаturаl rеsіn that rереls іnsесts, both nісе аdvаntаgеs for оutdооr usе. Теаk also is hіgh in соmрlеtеlу nаturаl оіls, rеduсіng the nесеssіtу of vаrnіshіng and fіnіshіng and sеаlіng.
А sесоnd swееt sресіаltу of tеаk furnіturе is that due to its mаkеuр, it is ехtrаоrdіnаrіlу rеsіstаnt. Іt contains sіlіса, which hеlрs keep the furnіturе in its оrіgіnаl shаре, without wаrріng or rаіsіng grаіn. Тhе dеnsеnеss of the wооd makes it very tоugh, so it can take a bеаtіng. Тhіs furnіturе is actually surрrіsіnglу rеsіstаnt to burns!
Тhіrdlу, tеаk is nаturаllу lоvеlу. Іt has strаіght, сlоsе grаіn with some nаturаl іmреrfесtіоns which аdd tехturе and іntеrеst to the ріесе.

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Тhе only рrоblеm with tеаk furnіturе, in this аuthоr’s mіnd, is that it is an unusual wооd to see іnsіdе. Ноwеvеr, it is еmіnеntlу suіtаblе for іnsіdе and outside usе, so реорlе just need to lеаrn this fасt. Аll in аll, tеаk may be the сhоісе for уоu. Тhе nаturаl bеаutу of tеаk furnіturеs is not еаsіlу found in other wооds

Теаk wооd can be trаnsfоrmеd into оutdооr dесkіng, іndооr tаblеs and сhаіrs, and ехесutіvе оffісе furnіturе which means that its bеаutу has many furnіshіng аррlісаtіоns unlike most wооds. Аnnuаl соаts of tеаk оіl can еnhаnсе the bеаutу much mоrе.
 Please visit our links below to get more info related our products and services :

Monday, September 4, 2017

Finding The Best Furniture for your Hotel

When you look to make the best hotel, you have to get the best Furniture for Hotel.

This definitely instigates the guests to have longer stay in the hotel and have a better overall hotel experience. To create the best look for your hotel, it is important that you choose the best theme for your hotel. When you choose to have small hotels you can get a different theme for each room. However, when you have a large hotel, you have to choose a unique theme for the hotel. This is when project hotel furniture play an important role, as it allows you to choose furniture based on your needs and in bulk.

Indonesia furniture, Furniture for hotel, Hospitality furniture, Indonesian garden furniture, Indonesia teak furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

HotelSupplyFurniture.com provides you with some of the best deals which you can have, if you are looking for theme based furniture for hotels. As we have 9 warehouses that you can visit and choose the furniture that suits you best as hotel furniture.

We use varying materials for providing furniture for hotels, you can choose accordingly. We ensure in providing utmost comfort to the guests that arrive at your hotel or prepare for stay. As we offer designs for both outdoor and indoor, we can work according to your choice of where do you want to place the furniture and what design should it be.

We have worked with several companies and projects for hotel furniture. And we are proud to reveal that we provide you with some very intriguing furniture for hotels. It definitely fascinates individuals that enter the hotel and have a look towards the furniture provided by us. The comfort and satisfaction, which not only the guest but even the staff member experience is immense, which is an important factor in making us the leading furniture for hotel supplier. It is said “First impression is the last impression”. Based on this when you choose to build a hotel and add furniture to it, you have to make sure they are appealing to your guests.

HotelSupplyFurniture.com by Wisanka - Indonesia Furniture exporter
Jl. Solo Yogya KM.26 Penggung, Ceper, Klaten, Central Java - Indonesia 57465
Sales : +628122688273, Customer support : +62 272 555 888

There are some concerns that you must keep in mind.

A hotel does have a lobby and for it to be treated as a lobby but not as living room, waiting halls, private getaways, it definitely is important to choose the right placement of the furniture for hotel. Different individuals shall arrive to your hotel on a daily basis. So, when we work on project for hotel furniture, we ensure that there is place created in the centre of the room, which calls for enjoyment, filled with low backed chairs. You might also welcome business guests, therefore adjacent barstools also become an essentials, where you have raised bar top.

Styling is a major concern and therefore it is very often found that people consider for custom made furniture. Our experienced and skilled designers are available to help you on the project for hotel furniture.As a hotel owner, you want your hotel to be the best and the furniture for hotel to be presentable. This is definitely a part that showcases the hotel’s personality. So, when you choose furniture for rooms, you make sure the furniture that you have compliments other furniture around it.

HotelSupplyFurniture.com also lay there focus on providing you with the best furniture material available. It shall not only survive for years but also provide your hotel and amazing appearance for ever. As we work by designing the furniture for both indoor and outdoor, we ensure that they cope up with your needs and are purely based on your requirements.

Indonesia teak garden furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia Hospitality furniture, Indonesian garden teak furniture, Indonesia teak root furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

We make sure that the right kind of fabric is used; best material is used, wood grade, texture and even colour, just as you need. Of course durability of the furniture is our main concern, but we do not compromise on the styling of the furniture, which suits best for your hotel. We also have a run through or inspection for the products before it being approved to manufacture.

The furniture for hotel provided by us are also very affordable, which adds to the quality of product and the type of customer service that you get from HotelSupplyFurniture.com. You can always contact us to discuss about what is best for your hotel and share your furnishing requirements, so that we can make the best out of it

Spellbinding Furniture that you Should Not Miss at All

Are you looking for ace quality furniture but are disappointed with the current market choices? If yes, then now is your chance to get hold of excellent furniture. We hold expertise in providing innovative and appealing designs for small places like your apartment. We hold an experience of about 20 years and this justifies our ability. Our collection has a massive variety. You name it and we have it. We have got bedroom furniture, lounge furniture, living furniture and dining furniture collection. It is also possible for you to get your hands on loose furniture as well.

Indonesia furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia patio furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Indonesia home decor

What makes us the best in the BusinessWhen you opt for our bedroom collection, then it has a touch of both the modern and contemporary furniture style. More over, we also keep your comfort in consideration when we design the furniture. Our Indonesian dining furniture collection is also a representative of an out of box approach. We make the best wood choices when creating our collection. Our usual selections include Mahogany and Mindi wood.

Don't hesitate to contact us
ASIA FURNITURE – Indonesia furniture
Jl. Solo Yogya KM.26 Penggung, Ceper, Klaten 57465, Central Java, Indonesia
Phone : +62  272 555 888 or +62  272 555 777
Contact Person : Ari (Mr)
Email : info@furnitureforasia.com

When you look at our living room furniture, then you will realize that our collection will complement the looks of your room plus give it a spacious touch. Every design has this finesse and sophistication that speaks volumes about the quality that we have to offer to our customers. We have creative solutions for lounge interior as well. You can opt for daybed where you can enjoy resting all day long. You can also try out our weaved sofa if you intend to give this artistic look to the room. We also offer multi-chair set to cater to the needs of all your family members.

Our loose pieces are also worth a consideration. There are times when an entire set is beyond your budget. Well we truly understand the budget constraints of our customers. For example, we offer exclusive Bedside, TV stand or dresser. The best thing about our dressers is that they have massive storage capacity. This makes them an ideal choice for apartments.

Indonesian furniture, Furniture for hotel project, Indonesian patio furniture, Indonesian garden furniture, Indonesia home furniture

We do not compromise on the craftsmanship as well because our customers are the priority for us and we go the extra mile to please our customers. Our Indonesian furniture pieces are designed to be durable as well and will last for a long time to come. We understand that by now you might be curious to view our offerings This is why we have come up with the idea of an online catalogue. To see the catalogue, you will have to create an account on our website.

If you need any information, then make sure that you visit our website. All the information about our products is available on the site. If you still feel that you have any additional queries, then make sure that you send in an email to us or you contact us on our given phone numbers. We will ensure the fact that we get back to you with all the answers at the earliest. Live in style by opting for our out of this world furniture designs.

Don't hesitate to contact us  :)
Greeting from Indonesia  :)

    Sunday, September 3, 2017

    Bring the artistic look into your home with reclaimed furniture

    The wood commodity is getting scarce now-days, therefore wood can not be sold easily and illegally. The regulation from government about wood trading is getting tighter as well. But, don’t be worry for you the wood furniture lover. There is remain another way to bring the artistic and magnificence of wood furniture into your home, by using waste wood and leftover.


    Indonesia reclaimed teak furniture, Indonesia home decor, Indonesia modern furniture, Indonesia furniture, Solo furniture, Indonesia boat teak furniture

    Many designers choose to use this waste to be altered into something more valuable, such as chairs, coffee table, wardrobe, etc.

    The coffee table that is made from waste railway wood, would be impressive with natural color finish. This collection is waken us up that the beauty is not always come from new wood furniture with fine and smooth sanding, finishing, and paint. The waste from obsolete railway wood that fibrous and having many defects due to nail marks, is very much possible to be something elegance, Luxurious, and being one of a kind stuff.

    ASIA FURNITURE – Indonesia furniture
    Jl. Solo Yogya KM.26 Penggung, Ceper, Klaten 57465, Central Java, Indonesia
    Phone : +62  272 555 888 or +62  272 555 777
    Contact Person : Ari (Mr)
    Email : info@furnitureforasia.com

    http://www.piguno.comTo give an industrial impression, reclaimed furniture is combined with other material, such as iron, aluminum, and pipe. In order to expose the uniqueness of the reclaimed woods, most designer would put  it  as the visible part of furniture, such as using as top table and combining with iron or pipe legs.

    Indonesia patio furniture, Indonesia interior design, Indonesia teak furniture

    Reclaimed furniture can be made for various designs. That’s the reason why reclaimed wood furniture, is very suitable for all interior concept for your home, from industrial, modern, classic, palace, Scandinavian, eclectic, contemporary, retro, and vintage.

    Please visit our links below to get more information about our products and services related to Asia furniture :
    Greeting from Indonesia :)

    Saturday, September 2, 2017

    Indonesia reclaimed teak

    Indonesia Reclaimed Teak, Teak Wood Furniture, Wood Furniture, Indonesia furniture, Indonesia garden furniture

    FurnitureForAsia.com, Indonesia manufacturer and exporter of wood furniture. Mail: info@furnitureforasia.com

    Welcome to Indonesia reclaimed teak furniture! The right place where you can find wide range of reclaimed teak furniture including boat wood furniture, rustic wood furniture and recycle furniture for your shopper. Reclaimed teak is a type of teak wood that have undergone in naturally drying over time long enough to decades.

    Indonesia reclaimed teak furniture manufacturer by Asia Furniture
    Contact : Asia Furniture - Mr. Ari
    Email : info@furnitureforasia.com
    Jl. Solo Jogja Km 26, Penggung, Ceper, Klaten, Solo - Central Java - Indonesia
    Phone : +62 272 555 888    /  + 62 272 555 777

    Indonesian boat teak furniture, Teak Wood Furniture, Wood Furniture, Indonesian furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

    The main idea is still about teak wood but for reclaimed teak, we use different part. By utilizing roots and teaks branch combining with an idea, creativity and skill those furniture becomes booming in some country. No less interesting than reclaimed teak furniture is boat wood furniture. Recycle, reuse or some other people said remake or even utilizing waste, those becomes popular tagline in some country that began aware with the environment and save the earth from rubbish.

    Boat wood furniture is only one of reuse material which supports that champagne and gets great response from the society unexpectedly.

    Please visit links below to get more info :
    Don't hesitate to contact us related our products and services, we will answer your inquiry as soon as possible .... greeting from Indonesia.
    Your Indonesian furniture manufacture ...... :)

    Wednesday, August 30, 2017

    Original Design Furniture Manufacturer by Piguno

    If you are planning to refurnish your home or backyard or patio area, then stop browsing and take a look at the great Indonesia furniture. There are many prevalent ways which you can do to enhance your home decoration with the original design furniture manufacturer, Piguno. So, let’s dig on the advantages of Indonesia furniture from Piguno.


    Indonesia furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia patio furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Wholesale Indonesian furniture, Indonesia outdoor furniture

    Advantages of Piguno Indonesia furniture

    Sturdiness, Durability, and Longevity
    The Indonesian furniture from Piguno can stand up over time. When you put the best furniture in your house, whether it is for outdoor furniture or indoor furniture , then you are making a great investment because the teak furnishings will be more valuable as the time goes by. Not to mention that these furnishings are very sturdy. So you won’t have to worry to put them in your patio for heavy users like BBQ party, family games, potluck party, and so on. It is strong enough to withstand the ways of usages for years. The furniture pieces are even resistant to outside weather and require little maintenance to preserve their features. At the same time, such furnishing piece is durable and firm. It goes without saying that Indonesia furniture makes a great choice when it comes to refinishing. No matter how you want to sit and relax, the teak furniture from Piguno will come in handy.

    You have probably known that the furnishings which are made of wooden materials have their own uniqueness. No matter how you look at them, the products are very captivating. However, many of them come with some catches. Folks are held responsible to routinely maintain and do a proper treatment on regular basis. Let’s admit it. These can make you bother more than relaxing and enjoy your time. But it won’t happen to you if you use Indonesia furniture from Piguno.
    You can leave it carefree when you put the furniture piece inside or outside your house. With this naturally made piece, you will have peace of mind when inviting guests over the barbecue, meeting, birthday, family gathering, and other social purposes. There is nothing to worry about the teak furniture from Piguno because it encourages you to be at ease.


    The Craftsmanship of the Indonesian furniture
    The Original Design Furniture Manufacturer Piguno comes with the perfect composition of beautiful elements as well as supportive features. What you can’t get from common wooden furniture is the authenticity of the design of the Indonesian furniture. The well-crafted piece of teak furnishing is all you need to enhance your room, deliver the homey nuances, and attract your visitors’ eyes. It is a remarkable piece that you will be appreciating in the future. So make sure that you choose the manufacturer that knows about Indonesian furnishing pieces, like Piguno.

    Indonesia teak furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia home decor, Jogjakarta furniture, Furniture projects, Solo furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

    Perpetual Home Decoration Statement
    The timeless design of the furniture is one of the most selling points of Piguno pieces. While some folks are confused to rearrange their room because they stuck in latest trends, the Indonesian furniture is a perpetual choice in any era. The long lasting appeal is definitely what you need to keep your home sweet home. By using the best from nature, Piguno makes sure that your house will be accompanied by the pieces that won’t wear out no matter what the mainstream proclaims right now. The original furniture from Indonesia is the best way to refurbish your indoor or outdoor space and their surroundings. And as the people who enjoy the pieces? They will thank you for these amazing furnishings!

    Make Your House Exquisite with Indonesia Furniture
    The furniture selection in your house signifies the preferences and tastes that you embrace. With the furnishing pieces from Indonesia, you enhance the pivotal areas in your house including dining area, patio, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and even bathroom. With the collections from Piguno, you will have the liberty to mix and match the original pieces to create such a welcoming home. Literally, with an appropriate refinishing, you will make your own sanctuary.
    The furnishing piece for a youngster will be different from a parent who lives with a wife and 2 kids. This will be clear enough to define your needs and requirements. This will also help you determine to add a personal touch to make your house more comfortable for all the members of the family. If your kids are fun and active, consider avoiding sharp corners, unstable frames, and dangerous chemicals. Furnishings of Piguno really convey this necessity. So you can’t go wrong with the Indonesian furniture.
    Piguno also offers customization in the furniture. As we know that each household has different size of living room. That’s why it is important to add the fitting furnishings to make use space maximally. The customized furniture will come in handy when refurbishing your living room. It is undeniably the highest traffic area because of you and your family, as well as guests, often use it.
    The ambiance and nuance of the living room must be welcoming and inviting.You will want the furnishing in your area convey the family and guests necessity. And you will want the pieces in your living area to pamper everyone who stays for a while. An ideal living room will be added by sofa, recliner, armchair, side tables, coffee tables, as well as a loveseat. Consider looking for these in Piguno official site. You will be wowed with the collections.

    Custom Design of Indonesia Furniture

    So, how can you do about the custom design of Indonesia furniture? Piguno has a proficient team that is ready for your next refinishing project. They will lead you to prepare everything in easy step-by-step manner.
    The first focus will be measuring the entire area in which you want to refurnish. This will also make sure how much space is available to add new furniture piece. It can be done independently or hire someone expert in the field.
    Then the next step will be the measurement process of the entryways. Your customized furnishing pieces should be able to be brought into the room. This won’t succeed if the doorway is too small, or the furnishings are too big. Since sofa is the most demanding furnishing in term of space, you could consider selecting sofa first.
    The next thing you want to consider is to decide how are you going to use the customized Indonesia furniture.Don’t hesitate to Discuss with Piguno team so that you can actualize your ideas without hassle and fuss.
    Please visit links below to get more information related our products and services :
    Greeting from Indonesia :) ..... don't hesitate to contact us!

    Original Design Furniture Manufacturer by Piguno

    If you are planning to refurnish your home or backyard or patio area, then stop browsing and take a look at the great Indonesia furniture. There are many prevalent ways which you can do to enhance your home decoration with the original design furniture manufacturer, Piguno. So, let’s dig on the advantages of Indonesia furniture from Piguno.


    Indonesia furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia patio furniture, Indonesia garden furniture, Wholesale Indonesian furniture, Indonesia outdoor furniture

    Advantages of Piguno Indonesia furniture

    Sturdiness, Durability, and Longevity
    The Indonesian furniture from Piguno can stand up over time. When you put the best furniture in your house, whether it is for outdoor furniture or indoor furniture , then you are making a great investment because the teak furnishings will be more valuable as the time goes by. Not to mention that these furnishings are very sturdy. So you won’t have to worry to put them in your patio for heavy users like BBQ party, family games, potluck party, and so on. It is strong enough to withstand the ways of usages for years. The furniture pieces are even resistant to outside weather and require little maintenance to preserve their features. At the same time, such furnishing piece is durable and firm. It goes without saying that Indonesia furniture makes a great choice when it comes to refinishing. No matter how you want to sit and relax, the teak furniture from Piguno will come in handy.

    You have probably known that the furnishings which are made of wooden materials have their own uniqueness. No matter how you look at them, the products are very captivating. However, many of them come with some catches. Folks are held responsible to routinely maintain and do a proper treatment on regular basis. Let’s admit it. These can make you bother more than relaxing and enjoy your time. But it won’t happen to you if you use Indonesia furniture from Piguno.
    You can leave it carefree when you put the furniture piece inside or outside your house. With this naturally made piece, you will have peace of mind when inviting guests over the barbecue, meeting, birthday, family gathering, and other social purposes. There is nothing to worry about the teak furniture from Piguno because it encourages you to be at ease.


    The Craftsmanship of the Indonesian furniture
    The Original Design Furniture Manufacturer Piguno comes with the perfect composition of beautiful elements as well as supportive features. What you can’t get from common wooden furniture is the authenticity of the design of the Indonesian furniture. The well-crafted piece of teak furnishing is all you need to enhance your room, deliver the homey nuances, and attract your visitors’ eyes. It is a remarkable piece that you will be appreciating in the future. So make sure that you choose the manufacturer that knows about Indonesian furnishing pieces, like Piguno.

    Indonesia teak furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia home decor, Jogjakarta furniture, Furniture projects, Solo furniture, Indonesia modern furniture

    Perpetual Home Decoration Statement
    The timeless design of the furniture is one of the most selling points of Piguno pieces. While some folks are confused to rearrange their room because they stuck in latest trends, the Indonesian furniture is a perpetual choice in any era. The long lasting appeal is definitely what you need to keep your home sweet home. By using the best from nature, Piguno makes sure that your house will be accompanied by the pieces that won’t wear out no matter what the mainstream proclaims right now. The original furniture from Indonesia is the best way to refurbish your indoor or outdoor space and their surroundings. And as the people who enjoy the pieces? They will thank you for these amazing furnishings!

    Make Your House Exquisite with Indonesia Furniture
    The furniture selection in your house signifies the preferences and tastes that you embrace. With the furnishing pieces from Indonesia, you enhance the pivotal areas in your house including dining area, patio, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and even bathroom. With the collections from Piguno, you will have the liberty to mix and match the original pieces to create such a welcoming home. Literally, with an appropriate refinishing, you will make your own sanctuary.
    The furnishing piece for a youngster will be different from a parent who lives with a wife and 2 kids. This will be clear enough to define your needs and requirements. This will also help you determine to add a personal touch to make your house more comfortable for all the members of the family. If your kids are fun and active, consider avoiding sharp corners, unstable frames, and dangerous chemicals. Furnishings of Piguno really convey this necessity. So you can’t go wrong with the Indonesian furniture.
    Piguno also offers customization in the furniture. As we know that each household has different size of living room. That’s why it is important to add the fitting furnishings to make use space maximally. The customized furniture will come in handy when refurbishing your living room. It is undeniably the highest traffic area because of you and your family, as well as guests, often use it.
    The ambiance and nuance of the living room must be welcoming and inviting.You will want the furnishing in your area convey the family and guests necessity. And you will want the pieces in your living area to pamper everyone who stays for a while. An ideal living room will be added by sofa, recliner, armchair, side tables, coffee tables, as well as a loveseat. Consider looking for these in Piguno official site. You will be wowed with the collections.

    Custom Design of Indonesia Furniture

    So, how can you do about the custom design of Indonesia furniture? Piguno has a proficient team that is ready for your next refinishing project. They will lead you to prepare everything in easy step-by-step manner.
    The first focus will be measuring the entire area in which you want to refurnish. This will also make sure how much space is available to add new furniture piece. It can be done independently or hire someone expert in the field.
    Then the next step will be the measurement process of the entryways. Your customized furnishing pieces should be able to be brought into the room. This won’t succeed if the doorway is too small, or the furnishings are too big. Since sofa is the most demanding furnishing in term of space, you could consider selecting sofa first.
    The next thing you want to consider is to decide how are you going to use the customized Indonesia furniture.Don’t hesitate to Discuss with Piguno team so that you can actualize your ideas without hassle and fuss.
    Please visit links below to get more information related our products and services :
    Greeting from Indonesia :) ..... don't hesitate to contact us!


    Tuesday, August 29, 2017

    The great Indonesia furniture wholesale company

    Indonesia furniture, Indonesia patio furniture, Furniture for hotel, Indonesia garden furniture, Hospitality furniture projects, Indonesia teak furniture

    Most of the exquisite Asian furnishings are ones which made from teak as you can see in the best Asia Furniture Shop. In many renovations and furnishing plans, many consider teak furniture because of obvious reasons. Whether it is made for indoor or outdoor, this will become a high-value asset in the future.

    The furniture pieces that you get from Asia Furniture Shop can last for generations. It is durable, sturdy, and very fascinating. The furnishings can withstand the heavy users of the users as well as the extreme surrounding factors like water, weather, etc. These are highly demanded items in many parts of the world.

    The champ characteristics of the Teak wood make it easier to work with the craftsman. No wonder that you’ll be able to look at the wide array of designs in the Asia Furniture Shop gallery. From the simplest to more complex designs, you can find literally everything. Lay your hands and touch the surface of the furnishings. You will suddenly realize that it is a magnificent piece created by the genius craftsmen from Indonesia. The moment you receive the items at your doorstep, you will realize that these will be passed from one generation to the next ones.

    Common furniture pieces that you can get from Asia Furniture company are

    Patio Sets
    The teak furniture from Asia Furniture Shop can be very great when locating outdoors. And you can place them there without covering up. They will not wear out. And this will be your best companion that will last up to 75 years or more depending on the maintenance. The patio sets consists of dining chairs, dining tables, benches, lounge chairs, sofas, bar tables, cabinets, and much more. The good thing about Asia Furniture Shop gallery is that the collections are very great to be used for residential and commercial purposes. So no matter where you want to put them, you don’t have to worry that they won’t be suitable for your patio. You can’t go wrong with Asian furniture.

    Made of the strong wooden materials, the Asian furniture can withstands the defective natural elements outside. When the weather gets colder, your furniture will be standing out. They won’t give up and always make a good posture. The teak patio furniture sets are well-designed by professional craftsmen.

    Wholesale Indonesia furniture, Indonesian teak furniture, Solo furniture, Indonesian garden furniture, Jogjakarta furniture, Indonesian furniture

    Dining Sets
    When it comes to dining sets, most modern people will agree that they are not only for indoor but also outdoor. It does not matter if you have a deck, patio, porch, backyard, or balcony, you surely want to enjoy such valuable time with friends and family. And there is no better than eating at the same table outside. Now the outdoor dining sets are equally prevalent with interior dining sets. In your patio, you will have such enjoyable meal in the great outdoors. The outdoor dining sets from Asia Furniture Shop is the best choice that you can make for outdoor table and chair set.


    Consider having benches from Asia Furniture Shop to enhance your outdoor space. When you browse the gallery of the site, you’ll be surprised that it is actually very easy to find the perfect bench to accentuate your backyard or outdoor space. If you want to have furnishings that can be durable and long lasting without sacrificing the fashion statement, then getting the new ones from FurnitureForAsia.com is the right thing to do. The benches are highly demanded because of their beauty as well as versatility. Can you imagine that you will have a nice afternoon with a cup of tea, reading your favorite book without interruption? And you can lie down on the benches and enjoy your great day. Benches have a lot of things to offer. If you have some spaces in your backyard, try adding these.

    Outdoor Chairs

    Strong and durable outdoor chairs can be purchased from Furniture For Asia.com. The strong and stable outdoor chairs from Asia Furniture Shop is easy to maintain and treated. You will not need to purchase expensive chemical solutions to clean your furnishings. With just lukewarm water, mild soap and a soft brush, you are good to go. Outdoor chairs are the perfect companion to enjoy your leisure time in the balcony while reading the newspaper. Consider sipping a cup of coffee and sit for awhile to get some inspirations for the day. You won’t regret it.

    Outdoor Tables

    It goes without saying that outdoor tables are very versatile. You and your family and friends are able to do various activities with these. The tables will also bring together the many outdoor pieces that will work simultaneously. By placing the table in your outdoor space, you will make your patio completed. It is a hands-off decoration since you will be a pro by just putting the outdoor tables in a strategic location. Your main objective to make your outdoor space very welcoming and relaxing. You want that all the members of your family and guests are able to enjoy their time there. Most of the time, by just simply putting the tables and chairs, you are good to go. Consider the size of the table you want to locate. You don’t want to have either too big or too small table in your outdoor space.

    Patio furniture, Home decor, Garden furniture, Outdoor furniture, Interior design

    Loungers / Reclining Chairs

    There is nothing better than lazing around in the summer. If you want to do this at home, you could consider getting loungers or reclining chairs. Have a perfect summer time and relax as much as you want. You will realize that it is the nice way to recharge and rejuvenate from such hectic lives. During the summer days, relaxation can be supported well by the loungers or reclining chairs.

    You don’t need to go outside to enjoy this privilege. Just add your backyard with loungers, and you are good to go. With the great loungers, you will consider your home as the best spot to relax and chill in the summertime. Don’t forget to invite out your friends. As if that is not enough, consider adding reclining chairs surrounding the yard so that your guests can also enjoy their time.

    The next time you want to add more furniture pieces at home, consider purchasing from Asia Furniture Shop. You will smile and have fun :)

    Please visit our related links below to get more information related our products and services :
    Greeting from Indonesia :) ...... don't hesitate to contact us

    Monday, August 21, 2017

    Piguno.com is Indonesia furniture

    Piguno.com is Indonesia furniture, exporter of indoor furniture to outdoor furniture, Indonesia teak garden furniture, Rattan synthetic Furniture, furniture project, and handicraft from Indonesia, Asia. Indonesia furniture online for hotel supplier furniture, exporter, manufacturer of indoor furniture to outdoor furniture and decorative lighting for hotel project, apartment, residence, restaurant, resort with retail and wholesale prices.

    Thank you for your visiting on Piguno.com as your Indonesia furniture manufacture & Furniture projects, what we can make for you? Please tell Us

    Saturday, August 19, 2017

    Asia furniture offers Indonesia teak rattan garden furniture

    Indonesia furniture | Asia rattan garden furniture, Indonesia garden furniture | Wholesale Indonesian furniture

    Asia furniture offers Indonesia teak rattan garden furniture highly desirable materials typically made from synthetic rattan as Indonesian natural rattan combined with teak wood furniture the outdoor elements for long lasting guarantee. Teak and rattan furniture warehouse the highest standards making it a suitable with strong, durable and weatherproof utilizes beautiful rattan furniture and high-tech surprisingly lightweight with beautiful look. Asia furniture company as indoor teak and rattan furniture suppliers from Klaten, central Java, Indonesia Furniture a unique hand carving product carved by Indonesian craftsman.

    Asia furniture, call us on +62 272 555 888  or info(at)furnitureforasia.comTeak is the best wood have a wide selection of all types perfect for the outdoors and indoor with low maintenance to fulfill several contrary requirements for your home living.

    Furniture for hotel | Asian teak furniture, Indonesia garden furniture | Indonesia furniture for projects

    Asia furniture manufacturer offers rattan teak outdoor furniture with the finest quality with an extensive range of crafted teak legs with a natural rattan seat, provide both stylish and comfortable. Teak and rattan garden table with chairs set are Eco friendly creations, creating high-end designer Indonesian rattan furniture of rattan combined with solid teak made from not only Rattan but also teak and other natural materials the best material for outdoor garden furniture.

    Comfortable and functional Indonesia teak rattan outdoor furniture product original design an extraordinary beautiful and resistant materials with striking style. Great teak designs range Java chair teak rattan fused with all weather synthetic wicker pairing classic style with a sophisticated wicker rattan, teak, have been manufactured with quality A Grade SVLK compliant for all mass and wholesale production such as rustic teak rattan outdoor furniture, teak indoor furniture, as well as garden furniture.

    Asia furniture manufacturer offers some collections of rattan furniture and teak furniture to achieve the perfect looks.

    Visit our some links below to know more information about Asia furniture products and services :
    Greeting from Asia furniture :) don't hesitate to contact us related our products and services.

    Piguno furniture, Indonesia furniture, Wholesale Bali furniture

    Indonesia furniture, Asia teak garden furniture manufacture